Saturday, September 29, 2007


Spent most of the day configuring my golf joke blog and now I'm adding a picture so that I can add it to my profile. That's almost the sole reason for this particular post.

Don't laugh...I'm obviously no shutterbug.

How 'bout a joke, then you can laugh and you won't have to admit what you are really laughing at.

Bad Day at the Golf Course

Mike and Bob had just finished the first nine and it was obvious that Mike was having a bad day.

"Gee Mike, you're just not your old self today, what's the matter?" asked Bob.

Mike, looking pretty glum, said, "I think Mable's dead."

"That's terrible," said Bob, "You think your wife is dead, aren't you sure?"

"Well," responded Mike, "the sex is the same, but the dishes are piling up."

Ok, just one more quick one -

Q: What is the hardest thing about playing golf with your wife?
A: Having to say, "Great shot, Honey!" 142 times

Have a good one!

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